Inlearning Institutes adopted the Sustainability Guidelines for Suppliers.
INLEARNING INSTITUTES, comprised of the companies IDAT S.A.C., SERVICIO EDUCATIVO EMPRESARIAL S.A.C. and CORRIENTE ALTERNA S.A.C. promotes within each of its institutes the respect and protection of human rights, the preservation of the environment, compliance with legal regulations, as well as the contribution to the development and sustainable growth of the country. For this reason, we encourage suppliers to incorporate sustainability criteria into their policies, procedures and practices.
This document establishes conduct guidelines for suppliers, consultants, contractors and all those business partners that work with the areas that make up Inlearning Institutes.
Legal base
• Peruvian labor regulatory framework
• Law No. 27942, Law for the Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment
• Law No. 27314, General Solid Waste Law
• Law No. 30884, Law that regulates single-use plastic and disposable containers
• Law No. 29783, Occupational Health and Safety Law
Policy references and internal documents
• Code of ethics Policy for business management and sustainability
• Intervention protocol for sexual harassment
• Regulations for the prevention and punishment of sexual harassment
• Internal regulations on safety and health at work
• Internal labor regulations
• Diversity policy
• Policy for the Prevention of violence and discrimination against women
Regulatory compliance
• Suppliers must maintain a good reputation and act responsibly in accordance with current rules, regulations and laws. No business will be carried out, nor commercial relationships will be maintained with people or organizations that deviate from labor, legal and/or ethical legitimacy standards or that participate in illegal businesses.
Anti-corruption conflict
Whenever an Inlearning Institutes collaborator conducts business on behalf of the company, they must act in the best interests of Inlearning Institutes and must not have a financial, family or other relationship with a supplier, if this collaborator is the authorized person. by Inlearning Institutes to make the decision to hire the provider. Suppliers must not have any type of family, financial or other relationship with Inlearning Institutes collaborators with whom they could interact as part of their commitment to Inlearning Institutes. Suppliers must take into account that the personal relationship they have with an Inlearning Institutes collaborator must not be used to influence the employee when it comes to making business decisions. If the provider has a family relationship, or of another type, with a collaborator of Inlearning Institutes, the provider must communicate that information to Inlearning Institutes and ensure that the collaborator does so as well.
• Suppliers must respect contractual obligations regarding the security and confidentiality of information.
• Suppliers must ensure compliance with confidentiality agreements by their employees or any interested party involved in the business relationship between the supplier and Inlearning Institutes.
• The information provided by Inlearning Institutes must be used solely for the purpose of achieving business objectives, and any use for other purposes, for personal use or use by others, will be prohibited.
Inlearning Institutes recognizes suppliers with a preventive approach to the environmental challenges that their production and marketing activities imply, establishing management plans in accordance with the current regulation of the sector to which they belong and its environmental impacts. Inlearning Institutes positively recognizes those suppliers that optimize the use of natural resources (such as water, energy sources and raw materials) and mitigate their environmental impact by controlling emissions, discharges, noise, waste and the use of dangerous substances, with clear improvement objectives and policies.
Discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment
• Suppliers must provide an environment free of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment, as well as respect equal opportunities from recruitment to ending of employment, as indicated in the Regulation of Law No. 27942, Law for the Prevention and Punishment of Sexual Harassment.
Diversity and non-violence against women
• Suppliers must commit to promoting diversity, inclusion and equity in their companies, as well as respect differences of opinion, religion, etc. Likewise, they have a Gender Equity and/or Diversity policy in which the prevention of discrimination of all kinds and the promotion of gender equity, diversity, equal opportunities and/or human rights are stated.
• It is very important to recognize the differences between individuals of the same gender due to factors such as: ethnicity, racial self-identification, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and so forth.
• Additionally, the provider must declare and promote non-violence against women of any kind and take protective measures.
Health and Safety at Work
• Suppliers must comply with the standards established in current legislation and in accordance with internal provisions and described in the Occupational Health and Safety policies, providing the security instruments and tools necessary for the execution of the work.
• Likewise, they must consider what is indicated in point 8 (insurance) of the O.C and O.S that they received for the execution of the goods or services